A Vintage, Metallic-Inspired Senior Rep New Year’s Eve 2020

2020…. I’m not sure what you will bring but hopefully it’s more memories like these with my Senior Reps! More than the fun photos (by the way, how fun are these??), I love the friendships I see being formed in this team and nights that we don’t want to end. And in the upcoming year, I’m hoping to share more memories just like this one on this blog space that has been a little too empty for a little too long.

The New Year is always a time of reflection and of hope, and for photographers… our slow season. Lately I’ve been thinking, planning, and making lists of all the things I’d like to accomplish in this season; some of which includes recapping some highlights of 2019, which I intend to share here. I’m trying to trust God by being present,and thankful for each season. As I edited these images I was listening to Sadie Robertson’s Podcast and the guest she had on the show, Shelley Giglio, was talking about how the 20’s are typically referred to as “The Roaring 20’s”. And sure enough, I have already seen such references floating around on social media, along with pictures of the famous fashions of that era. Then she said something so profound that I had to share. Bringing new light to this phrase she declared, “I think this time what’s going to be roaring is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and when he roars, everything on Earth changes.” Jesus changes everything: our circumstances, our relationships, and hopefully our entire year if we’ll let him. Imagine what could happen if you let God write your story this year?!!

Now that I’ve shared a little bit of my heart and hopefully encouraged someone along the way, I invite you to scroll through these images that were inspired by the classic New Year’s Eve themes: gold, silver, and anything shiny, plus tons of balloons. I added a few vintage elements like the velvet chair, an old radio, and a record. Someone let me borrow the disco ball and had warned me it was huge, but I definitely underestimated it; I am so glad they did though because it was the best statement piece throughout the whole shoot. I’ve had this vision for a New Years shoot for over a year and was so happy to see it come to life. Plus I think we all enjoyed getting dressed up and feeling like we were going to a fancy party. We enjoyed some INCREDIBLE donuts from Hole & Corner Donuts ; some sparkling cider (just to clarify that toasting photo); and my personal favorite to go with the movie, popcorn.


























We ended the night watching the movie, “New Year’s Eve” in our pajamas, accompanied by tons of popcorn. My sister—who also happens to be a senior rep—and I watch it every year for New Years, so it was sweet to share that tradition with the team. Then as the group continued to shrink, a few of us stayed and played Carpet Ball: only the best game ever!!!! That may or may not have gotten a little competitive. It was definitely a night to remember and I can’t thank you enough for reading this post and bringing in the New Year with my Senior Reps and myself! Most importantly, as we head into 2020, my prayer is that Jesus would go with each of us and his presence would surround us throughout the year.



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